Tel: +357 22 462920
Fax: +357 22462921
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Our Facilities

Our Cloud Data Centre is a Certified Data Centre, providing a fault-tolerant secure environment for our servers and network equipment. We offer flexible space options backed up by state of the art environmental conditions, monitoring, redundant power and high speed Internet connectivity.


Electrical power is backed up by two redundant 40 KVA UPS and in addition two diesel generators, each capable of sustaining the Data Centre’s entire operation with fuel tanks that have 2 months autonomy, ensuring that power will always be available.


Environmental conditions are monitored 24x7x365 to ensure the temperature and humidity provide the optimal environment for all equipment. The Data Centre has been designed and certified for environmentally sensitive and high density equipment.
The Data Centre is equipped with a state of the art fire detection and suppression (FM-200 gas) system.


The facility is located Nicosia Cyprus and connected through the cloud with our servers worldwide with Comprehensive Technical Support – 24x7x365

Usage includes:

  • Storage & Backup
  • Productivity
  • CRM
  • ERP
  • Web hosting
  • Any Database
  • Accounting
  • Communication
  • Online database
  • IT Tools
  • Email
  • Virtual Servers

Give us a call on +357-22462920 to arrange for a meeting and learn everything on how we can help your company save money and be more productive. We offer customize solutions to every company.



*VAT 18% is excluded from our prices
VAT No. CY 10107409F
Company Reg. No. H.E. 107409
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